Where is the $1.8 Billion Grant Money?

I was just asking, Where is that $1.8 billion?

Attention Homeowners who suffered substantial loss from Hurricane Sandy – Procedures and application instructions are being worked on and will be coming out very soon.  Every homeowner who is interested in getting grants to help rebuild their homes and continue to reside in their communities must stay on top of the application process.

A form is available whereby you can fill it out and be notified of all current programs as the applications are ready to be submitted.  First step, …… Click Here 

Scroll down half the page and click on:


Fill out entire page and then submit.  You will be registered to receive updates of all program application availability.

This is very important – Stay in the Loop.  If you do not have an email address, I would suggest you get a friend or your children or co-worker to use their email address.  This is the quickest and most accurate way to  to be notified in a timely manner.

If you have any specific questions on Sandy Recovery Efforts, please contact me at 732-672-0409 or email at Diane@DianeKaplan.com




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